Children’s Pastors Conference 15 Review

What I loved about CPC15 I’ve been to several CPC’s in the past and what I love about this one were the continued opportunities to connect with those who are passionate about Children’s ministry. I love connecting with people. From hanging out in the...

Here’s my #CPC15 Notebook

Hi, Here’s a link for my notebook on Evernote containing my live note taking. Please know, I’ve not had a chance to go back and edit, proof or clarify thoughts. That will come as I process them all. It was an amazing time at Children’s Pastor’s...

CPC Notes

Hello Welcome! Welcome to my little part of the internet. I want to share a link to my notebook so you can follow along with my CPC notes.  WARNING! They are unedited notes so please be kind! Thanks! Enjoy!  ...

CPC Notes- Aaron Reynolds

These are my raw notes from the General Session: Please know these have not been proofed or edited. 🙂 Presenter: Aaron Reynolds Topic:  TEACHING-  Celebrating God’s  Story Notes What pops into your head when you hear Teaching: Homework, sharing, boring, school....

CPC 2015 What I’m Excited About

 I must say I’m pretty excited to head to Chattanooga, TN for the Children’s Pastor’s Conference. I’m a networking junkie and I love meeting the amazing people who serve in Kids ministry from all over. I love seeing what is new in the Kidmin...