CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR WINNERS OF A FREE TICKET TO THE CMCONFERENCE!! Thanks to the incredible generosity of the team at CM Connect, I now have a free ticket for all 5 of those who commented on my last post!! Congrats to: Jen, Anthony, Kimberly, Karen, and Tracy!!!  I...

A Kidmin Conf. Designed for YOU!

I’m super excited for Feb 20-23, 2017! WHY? I’m so glad you asked! CM CONNECT Conference is a gathering where Kidmin leaders CRASH together. (a Crash is a group of Rhino’s, you’ll have to come to find out why this is so important) CM Conference...

It Just Got Real…

Jan 2 and it just got real! All of us in ministry know the expectation of a New Year and with it the sense of a fresh start, a chance to renew or remake something wonderful in our ministries. Then Jan 2 comes and it gets real. You must now put into action what...